Τρίτη, 22 Οκτωβρίου 2024


Βουλευτικές Εκλογές
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Αυτοδιοικητικές Εκλογές

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Υποψήφιοι Ευρω-εκλογών

Εκλογές και Ενημέρωση

Greek Politics Journal

Η Βουλή των Ελλήνων

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Το προεκλογικό κλίμα

Greek elections: Syriza asks voters to end 'humiliation'
BBC News Europe, 22 January 2015 Last updated at 23:34

Greek elections: Will anti-austerity party Syriza win?
BBC News Europe 22 January 2015 Last updated at 00:47

Greek elections: Main parties from Syriza to Golden Dawn explained
BBC News Europe 21 January 2015 Last updated at 18:24

Why Greece's early election makes the EU nervous
By Laurence Peter BBC News

Greek radical left Syriza prepares for power under Tsipras
By Giorgos Christides Thessaloniki, Greece

Greek election: Syriza win would scare European leaders
BBC News Politics

What Greece's Election Means For The Rest Of The World
The Huffington Post | By Charlotte Alfred

7 Keys to Understanding the Greek Elections
Pavlos Tsimas

European Union 2015 and Greek Elections: Would a Syriza Win Be Good for EU Integration?
John Sydney Hopkins

Naysayers Aside, Greece Has Nothing to Lose but Its Chains
Maria Paravantes Become a fan

Massive Crowd For Syriza's Final Rally Ahead Of Greek Elections
The Huffington Post | By Charlotte Alfred

Tsipras Extends Syriza Olive Branch on Greece’s Economy
By Nikos Chrysoloras Jan 21, 2015 10:12 AM GMT

Greek Patience With Austerity Nears Its Limit

Greece elections: Have 5 years of austerity paid off?
By Virginia Harrison @vharrisoncnn January 22, 2015: 4:01 PM ET

Syriza stretches poll lead as Greek election campaign ends
Anti-austerity party leader Alexis Tsipras pledges historic change at Sunday’s ballot, as PM Antonis Samaras warns of catastrophe

Greek elections – the Guardian briefing
Mark Rice-Oxley

‘For five years Greece has been like a patient slowly bleeding’
The sick man of Europe is dying and Sunday’s elections may be the tipping point. Helena Smith reports

Greek elections: young, broke and voting for change – video

Greek elections: the parties, their positions and policies
Helena Smith in Athens

Greek elections: Syriza’s young radicals plot a political earthquake for Europe
Helena Smith in Athens

Greece Election 2015: the politics and economics in numbers
Alberto Nardelli and Jennifer Rankin

A new idea steals across Europe – should Greece’s debt be forgiven?
Heather Stewart

Europe’s far right gets the attention, but the left is making the political running
Ian Traynor, Europe editor

Vox pop: ‘Greece has to change course’
Helena Smith in Athens

Greek leftist widens poll lead, says to end 'humiliation'
By Renee Maltezou

Greece election: Love in a time of crisis
By Theopi Skarlatos Athens

How Greek election has become political circus
By Theopi Skarlatos BBC News, Athens

BBC Democracy Day: Europe 'faces political earthquakes'
By Mike Wooldridge World Affairs correspondent

Greece’s Fight Against European Austerity

Six key points about Greek debt and the forthcoming election
Tim Jones 23 January 2015

Is Die Linke a Syriza of the north?
Jamie Mackay 23 January 2015

Explainer: why the Greek election is so important
23 January 2015, 6.25am GMT

Ελλάδα - Εκλογές 2015
DW Πολιτική (Ρεπορτάζ, αναλύσεις και συνεντεύξεις ενόψει της εκλογικής αναμέτρησης της 25ης Ιανουαρίου 2015.)

Εκλογές 2015: Που θα κριθεί το εκλογικό αποτέλεσμα
Euronews 22/01 04:14 CET

Εκλογές 2015: «ΣΥΡΙΖΑ – Ποδέμος VENCEREMOS»
Euronews 23/01 00:10 CET

Ελλάδα: Φόβοι και προσδοκίες ενόψει εκλογών
Euronews 22/01 21:38 CET

Όροι Χρήσης του διεθνούς Κόμβου (Portal) www.eklogesonline.com


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