Ύποψήφιοι Βουλευτικών Εκλογών |

Ge??????e st? ???d??? st?? 12/11/1949.
S?????S : Sp??dase st? ??µ??? S???? t?? ?a?/?? ?????? ap? ?p?? p??e t? pt???? t?? t?? ?????? t?? 1974. ?s???µe??? d???????? ( 1974-75 ). G??ft??e st?? ?.S.? t? 1977. ??a?e µetapt???a??? sp??d?? st? ????pa??? ???a?? st? College d’Europe t?? Bruges ?e????? (1975-1976). S?????se t?? sp??d?? t?? µe 6µ??? ?s??s? st?? ????pa??? ?p?t??p? ( Ge???? ??e????s? ?s?te????? ?????? ).
G?OSS?S : ???????, Ga????? ?a? ?spa????.
???????? : ??µ???? , e?d???? se ??µata ????pa???? ???s?? ?a? s?µß????? st?at?????? µ??at?µe?t .??? te?e?ta?a tet?aet?a ?p?st????e? ep??e???se?? ?a? ??? st??? t?µe?? t?? ??????????? ?a? p???t?st???? t????sµ??.
?? 2008 ?d??se t?? « ??µ????????t?ta ??a t?? ???pt??? » - C4G – ast??? µ? ?e?d?s??p??? eta??e?a , t?? ?p??a? e??a? ???ed???. ? C4G µe?et? ?a? p????e? t?? ??µ???????? ??????µ?a st?? ????da ?a? µe d?e??e?? s??e??as?e? ?p?st????e? t?? a??pt??? t?? st? ?es??e?a?? ???? ( ß?. www.c4g.gr ).
? G?????? e??a? pa?t?eµ???? ?a? pat??a? p??te pa?d???.
??????????????? ??? ???????? ???S?
1965. M???? t?? ???? (?a???at???) sa? µa??t?? st? 7? ???e?? ?a???at???. S?µµete??e st? s??ta?t??? ?µ?da t?? ?e??a??st???? ef?µe??da? «??e??e?? ??µa» (1965 – 21/4/67).
S???d??t?? t?? f??t?t???? e?t?p?? « ???t?p???a » ?a? µ???? t?? ???? µ???? t? ??e?s?µ? t??? ap? t?? d??tat???a (1971-1972).
S?µµete??e e?e??? st? ?e????µa t?? a?t?d??tat?????? f??t?t???? ????µat?? (1972-1973). ??ta? ??a? ap? t??? ??????? ?pe??????? t?? ?at?????? t?? ??µ???? S????? (Feß???????? 1973) st?ate????e ap? t? ????ta t?? ?????st? t?? ?d??? ??????.
?p??????e ap? t? 557 ???µa ?e????? (Sta????p??? ??????) st?? 16/11/1973 µe ta µ?t?a ?a??e????. ?ata??t??µe??? ap? t?? ?S? µet? t?? e???e?s? t?? ????te??e??? s??e??f?? te???? st?? 21/12/’73 ?a? ??at????e se a?st??? ap?µ???s? st? ???/ ?S? ?a? st?? ?S? ??a? F??ad??fe?a? ep? t?e?? µ??e?.
?? 1975 ?ta? ap? t??? ßas????? µ??t??e? ?at?????a? st? d??? t?? ßasa??st?? t?? ?S? .
?e t?? pt?s? t?? d??tat???a? ?ta? ap? ta s???d??t??? µ??? t?? ??S?? ?a? µ???? t?? p??t?? ?e?t????? ?p?t??p??. ????? t?? ?p?ep?t??p?? ?e??a?a? t?? ep?t??p??- t?µ?a?- d?e??e?? s??se??.
St? p??s???d??? de? ?p?ßa?e ?p???f??t?ta ??a epa?e????? st? ?.e. ?pa????e st? ??S??, e??a??µe??? p?a st?? ???????e? t? 1977. ?p?st?????µe??? ap? t?? ???a??se?? t?? ??S?? ?a? t?? ??? es?te????? ?e?????, e???????e ???ed??? t?? ????????? ?????t?ta? ????e???? {(µ??? 2.500 ?????e? µeta??ste?) (1978-1980)}.
?p?st??f??ta? ap? t?? ???????e? st?? ????da t? Feß??????? t?? 1980, e???st??e, µ???? t?? e?????? t?? ??t?ß???? 1981, sa? s?µß????? t?? ??d??a ?apa?d???? (?µ?de? e??as?a? ???a?? & ???µe???t?) se ??µata ????pa???? ???a??? ?a? p????aµµat???? ??se?? t?? ??S??.
???GG???????? S???????????
1. ???O????? ????????
St?? t??et?a 1977-1980 e???st??e st?? ????pa??? ?p?t??p? - Ge???? ??e????s? ???s?p???? ?a? ??????s?? - st?? ???????e?, µe a?t??e?µe?? t? ??µ??? ?e???s? t?? e???????? µet?f?as?? t?? p??t??e???? ?????t???? ???a???.
2. ????G???? (1980 – 1993)
?s???????e ?????? µe ?p???se?? d??a??µat?? e??at?stas?? ?a? e?e??e??? d?a????s?? ?efa?a??? ?p?? ?a? µe t?? e?p??s?p?s? ??ad???? epa??e?µat???? ???a??se?? st?? ????pa??? ?p?t??p? ?a? st? ????pa??? ?????ß????? st?? ???????e?.
3. S???????S ??????S?O? ????S??? ?????
a) ?????? ???pe?a t?? ????da? (1982 – 1989).
??µ???? S?µß????? t?? ??????t? ( ??????se?? ?a????? ?a? ?a?a??p?????) sta ??µata : ??? ?a? efa?µ???? ?????t???? ?d????? st?? t?ape???? t?µ?a.
ß) ?p????e?? ??????? ??????µ?a? (1983 – ???t??? 1985)
O? e?p??s?p?? t?? ??aß? - ????????? ?p?µe??t?????, s?µß????? t?? ??ap????t? ?p?????? ( ?. ??st? ?a?ts?? ), sta ??µata p?????s?? e?a????? ?a? p??s????s?? ????? ?µes?? epe?d?se?? µe t?? ??aß???? ???e?.
?) ?p????e?? ???pt???? (2003 – 2004).
????? t?? ?p?t??p?? ?µpe??????µ???? t?? ??????? S?µß?????? ??ta????st???t?ta? ?a? ???pt????. ???? t?? ?p?t??p?? ?ta? ? ep?st?µ????? ?p?st????? t?? s??ed???se?? t?? ?S?? ?a? ? e?p???s? t?? a’ ???es?? ??a t?? a?ta????st???t?ta t?? ???a? / 2003 ( d?µ?s?e????e t?? Feß??????? 2004).
4. ????????S CONSULTING
a) INFOGROUP S?µß????? ?p??e???se?? A.E. (1983-1993).
????a - ???????e?. S???d??t?? ?a? ???ed??? ?.S.
St? de?aet?a a?t? ?? µe?et?t???? ?a? e?pa?de?t???? d?ast????t?te? t?? Infogroup ?p?st????a? e???????? pe??f??e?e?, ??? ?a? ep??e???se?? (µ?s? t?? ???, ?’ ??S, ?????t???? ?aµe??? ??p.) ?a? ?????t??? p?????µµata e??s??s?? st?? ??. ????p?
( ????a??a, ?se??a, ?????a??a, ??ßa??a, ??s?a ?a? ????a??a).
ß) QUATTRO S?µß????? ?p??e???se?? ?.?. (1994 – 2005) ????a.
S???d??t?? ?a? ??e?????? S?µß?????. ??t??e?µe?? t?? ?ta??e?a? ?ta? ? st?at?????? s?ed?asµ?? ?a? ? ?p?st????? epe?d?se?? ß??µ??a????? ?a? t????st???? ep??e???se?? st?? ????da ?a? st? e??te????
d) S???????S a??pt???? µ????µesa??? ep??e???se?? ?a? ???. [2005-]
????a-Malaga ?spa??a?.
5. S?GG??F??? ??G? – ????S?????
a) S????af? (µa?? µe t?? T. ?a???d?, d?µ?s?????f?) t?? « ?e???? t?? ???» (e?d. ??a S????a – 1979).
ß) S?µß????? ?a? a???????f?? ??a ?????t??? ??µata st? pe???d??? ??a t?? ??? « ?????? » (1980 – 1983, ??d?se?? ??e??e??t?p?a)
?) ??da?e st? American College of Greece ( Deree ) t? ?????? 1987-1988 t? µ???µa «Business in the EEC» .
6. S???????? S? ?????????? S????????
a) ????? t?? ??te?est???? ?p?t??p?? t?? ??aß?-e???????? ?p?µe??t?????
(1982 - 1989).
ß) ????? t?? ?.S. t?? ???pe?a? ?e?t????? ????d?? (1987 – 1991].
?) ???t?? Ge?. G?aµµat?a? t?? S??d?sµ?? ?ta??e??? S?µß????? ???at?µe?t ????d?? [S?S??] {1992-4}.
d) S???d??t?? ?a? ???ed??? t?? ??? «??µ????????t?ta ??a t?? ???pt???» C4G (2008-). H a??t??? ep?st?µ????? eta??e?a as???e?ta? µe t?? a??pt??? t?? ??µ????????? ??????µ?a? ?a? t?? ????t?st???? ?????sµ?? st?? ????da ?a? t? ?es??e?a?? ????.
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