Ύποψήφιοι Βουλευτικών Εκλογών |

? ??????? ?t???p????? ?e??????e st?? 17 ?a?t??? 1956.
G??e?? t?? e??a? ? ?as???? ?a? ? ?a??a ?t???p?????.
? pat??a? t??, ap? ta ????a?a Tessa??a?, ap?st?at?? ta??a???? t?? e???????? st?at??. St?? p??eµ? t?? 1940 ?? p??t?et?? e?e?p?? ?at?f??e µe ?????? e???p?de? st?? ???t? ?p?? p???µ?sa? t??? ?e?µa???? e?sß??e??. St?? d????e?a t?? ?at???? ß???e st? ß???? ?a? p??e µ???? st?? a?t?stas?.
?et? t?? ap?st?ate?a t?? as???????e µe ????te?????? µetaf??se??. ?et?f?ase - ape??e?a? ap? t? ??s??? p??t?t?p? ?e?µe?? - ?eat???? ???a ?a? µ???st???µata t?? ?t?st????fs?? ?a? ?s???f. ?? ????te?????? µetaf??se?? t?? e?d????a? se d?de?a ß?ß??a ap? ???st??? e?d?t????? ??????.
? µ?t??a t?? ?????? ?t???p?????, ?a??a, ap? t? ??ts?ß?, s??ta??????? ?a????t??a ????a??? ??????µ?a? st?? µ?s? e?pa?de?s?.
?d?a?te?? s??s? a??pt??e ? ??????? ?t???p????? µe t?? papp?? t?? p?? ?ta? s?µß??a?????f?? sta ????a?a Tessa??a?.
? p?esß?te??? ??????? ?t???p????? - ?e???µ???? t? 1891 st? ??????? ?a?d?tsa? - p???µ?se st??? ßa??a?????? p???µ??? ?a? ???se ta d?aµat??? ?e????ta t?? e?????? d??asµ??.
?? d????se?? t?? ?ta?, ??a t?? e?????, ? p??t? s??s? t?? µe t?? ?e?te?? e??????? ?st???a ?a? t?? p???t???.
? ??????? ?t???p????? p??ase ta pa?d??? ?????a t?? se d??f??e? e???????? p??e?? af?? ?? µeta??se?? t?? a???µat???? ?as??? ?t???p????? ?p??????a? t?? ???????e?a - µ?t??a ?a? t??a pa?d?? - ?a a??????e? t?? pat??a.
O? µa??t?? st? d?µ?t??? ?a? st?? p??te? t??e?? t?? ??µ?as??? f??t?se pa??????a sta ?at???t??? s???e?a.
?ts?, ?? a???? t?? ???st?a????? ?a? t?? e???????? pa?de?a? d?aµ??f?sa? t?? ?a?a?t??a ?a? t? s?st?µa a???? t?? ap? p??? ?ea?? ?????a.
?p?f??t?se ap? t? ?e??te?? ???e?? ??a? Sµ????? t? ?a???a??? t?? µetap???te?s??.
??? ?d?a ??????, t? 1974, p?t??e st?? e?et?se?? ?a? ???ft??e st? p??t? ?t?? t?? ??µ???? S????? t?? ?a?ep?st?µ??? ??????.
?? 1978 p??e t? pt???? t?? ??µ???? S????? ?a? s?????se t?? µetapt???a???, p????, sp??d?? t?? st? e??te????.
St? pa?ep?st?µ?? Paris 2 t?? ?a??s??? st? ?µp????? ???a??.
St? pa?ep?st?µ?? University College t?? ???d??? ?p?? t? 1981 p??e µ?ste? (LL.M) st? d??a?? t?? s?s?a??st???? ????? ?a? st?? s??se?? d??a??? ?a? µa???sµ??.
? pt???a?? e??as?a t?? µe t?t?? <<??e???? s?s?a??st??? d??a??>> a?af??eta? st?? s??se?? µeta?? s?s?a??st???? ????? ap? t?? ep??? t?? ??t?ß??a??? epa??stas?? ??? t? d??µa ?p?????ef.
?p???t?se t?? st?at??t??? ??te?a t?? ?? ?fed??? a???µat???? ?a? µ???? ap??????e ????se ?a e????eta? ?? d????????.
? s??s? t?? µe t?? d?µ?s????af?a ?e????se t??a?a a??? e?e??????e se µe???? a??p?.
?? 1984 ????se ?a ???e? ta p??ta ?ep??t?? st?? ??? p?? ?p???e ?a? ??a t?? ?????? ?t???p???? t? µe???? s???e?? t?? d?µ?s????af?a? ?a? t?? t??e??as??
?e t?? ??a??? ?e?t?????a? t?? ?d??t???? ?ad??f???a? ????se ?a e????eta? st? ?ad??f????? sta?µ? S??? a??? ?a? st?? ef?µe??da <<?p??e?µat???>>.
? apas????s? st?? ?ad??f????? sta?µ? S??? a????ase t?? ??? ?a d?a???e? t?? s?µßas? µa?? t?? epe?d? e?e??? t?? ep??? t? ?ad??f??? e?e??e?t? a?ta????st??? µ?s? µe t?? t??e??as?.
?ts?, ap??????e ap? t?? ??? t? 1992. ?p? ??a? ??µ???at?a?!
?µ?s?? µet? e???st??e st?? ef?µe??de? <<?a??µe????>>, <<??µa>> ?a? st?? t??e?pt??? sta?µ? ???????.
???eµ???? a?tap????t??
? ??????? ?t???p????? ?p???e p??eµ???? a?tap????t?? se d?s???a ?a? ep????d??a s?µe?a t?? ??sµ??.
?a??de?e p????? f???? st?? G??????s?aß?a ??a ?a ?a???e? eµf?????? p???µ??? ?a? epeµß?se?? p?? ?d???sa? st?? d????s? t?? ???a?.
?ta? st? ???µa??a, st?? pt?s? t?? ?sa??s?s???.
St?? p??eµ? t?? ???p??.
St?? S?ß?et??? ???s? ?ta? ????e t? p?a????p?µa ?at? t?? G???µpats?f.
St? ?e????, st?? e???e?s? t?? ?s??pa?.
St?? ?e???t???a t?? ?????ta.
St?? ???p?e? e?e???se?? t?? ??ßa??a?
St?? aµe???a????? epeµß?se?? st? ?f?a??st?? ?a? st? ????.
?e ß??µata ap? eµp??eµe? ???e? ???a?e d?? ß?ß??a.
«??t? e??a? t? Sa????eß?;» (e?d?se?? ???f?).
??????? t?? p???????a? t?? Sa????eß?.
«? ?as?ta t?? p???µ??» (e?d?se?? ?asta???t?).
????st???µa p?? d?ad?aµat??eta? st?? d????e?a t?? p???µ?? st?? ???p?.
?? 2002 ? ??????? ?t???p????? ??ese ?p???f??t?ta ??a d?µa???? sta ?????ss?a e?p??ss??ta? ?s??? ??????a? t?? a??p? t?? ??a t?? d?µ?s????af?a.
«?? ???? ??at? e??a? d?s????» t??? ap??t?se.
?e e? e?e??e?a d?µa??? t?? ?as?? ?a? a???p???f???? d??… a?t??te? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a? ? ???? fa???ta? ad??at?.
???d?se, st?? de?te?? ????, µe 137 ??f??? d?af???.
?????? µ??e? µet? s??????st??e µe ta ??? ?ta? ? t?te ??ß????s? ep??e???se ?a e??atast?se? ?p?sta?µ? t?? ??? st?? ?a?t??? ß?s? t?? ?????ss???.
???d?se t?? µ??? ?a? µet?t?e?e t?? ?a?t??? ß?s? se p????.
?e??d??µ?se??, p?ate?e?, d?µ?t??? s?????????a, f?t?sµ?? a?t?p??µµ?????, a???t???? e??atast?se?? e??a? ???a t?? sta ?????ss?a.
?? 2006 ?? d?µ?s??p?se?? ?at???afa? s?????? epa?e????? t?? st?? ??µ?. ??te t?? ???ese ? ?????p?????? ?a? t?? p??te??e t?? ?p???f??t?ta t?? ?pe???µa???a? ?????? - ?e??a???.
<<????µa? ??at? e??a? d?s????>> ap??t?se.
??ase ap? t?? F?f? Ge???µat? af?? ??a ???e? ??f??? ? e??????? a?aµ?t??s? de? ??????e st?? de?te?? ????.
?ts? t?? ??t?ß??? t?? 2006 ß?????e µe µ??ad??? p???t??? a???µa a?t? t?? ??µa???a??? s?µß?????.
?p? t? - ????? tet?a??????? - ??afe?? t?? st?? ??µa???a ?????? ?e????se ??? e??????? a???a, st?? ?' ??????.
<<?? ???? ??at? e??a? d?s????>> e?pe - ??a t??t? f??? µ?sa se t?sse?a ?????a - se f????? ?a? s??e???te?.
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