Ύποψήφιοι Βουλευτικών Εκλογών |

O ???????? ?e??????e st?? ????a t? ???t?? t?? 1968. ???? t?? ep?ß???? t?? st?at??t???? ?a?est?t?? st?? ????da, ß?????e e????st?? st? ?a??s? µa?? µe t?? ???????e?? t??, se ?????a µ???? 6 µ????. ?p?st?e?e µe t?? ap??at?stas? t?? ??µ???at?a?, t? 1974. ?? 1986 ap?f??t?se a??st????? ap? t? ??????? ?????? ?p??, ?at? t? d????e?a t?? te?e?ta??? ?t??? t?? f??t?s?? t??, e?e???? p??ed??? t?? µa??t???? ?????t?ta?.
?eta?? t?? et?? 1986-1990, sp??dase ?????????? ep?st?µe? st? ?a?ep?st?µ?? "Harvard" t?? ???µ???? ????te???, ap? ?p?? ?a? ap?f??t?se µe t?? a??tat? t?µ?t??? d?????s? "summa cum laude". ??µ????e ep?s?? µe t? ?pa??? "Hoopes", t? a??tat? ß?aße?? p?? ap???µeta? se f??t?t? ??a pt???a?? e??as?a, ??a t?? e?p???s? t?? d?at??ß?? t?? µe ??µa t?? ?µe???a???? e??te???? p???t??? ap??a?t? st?? ????da ?at? t?? pe???d? 1977-1985.
?at? t? d????e?a t?? e???????? a?aµet??se?? t?? 1989, s?µµete??e e?e??? se ???a??t???? ?µ?de? p??e???????? a???a t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a?, a?a?aµß????ta? ?????? t?? ??????s? t?? ?p?d?µ?? ??a t?? ?p?d??? ?a? t? f????e??a t?? e?p??s?p?? t?? ????? t?p??.
?eta?? t?? et?? 1990-1991 e???st??e ?? ??????µ???? a?a??t?? st?? "Chase Investment Bank" st? ???d???. St?? s????e?a, ep?st?e?e st?? ????da ??a ?a ?p??et?se? t?? st?at??t??? t?? ??te?a t?? ?p??a ?a? ????????se st?? 346 ????a F-16, t?? 111 ?.?., ?. ???????? ?a???s?a?.
? ???????? s?????se t?? sp??d?? t?? st? ?a?ep?st?µ?? "Stanford" t?? ???µ???? ????te??? ap? ?p?? ap??t?se t?t?? Masters st?? ??e??e?? ??????µ???? S??se?? µe e?d??e?s? sta ??t?µata p?? af????? t?? ????pa??? ???p???s?. ????????se t?? ????? t?? sp??d?? t?? ep?st??f??ta? st? "Harvard" ap? ?p?? ?a? ap??t?se de?te?? t?t?? Masters st?? ??????s? ?p??e???se?? ap? t? "Harvard Business School".
Meta?? t?? et?? 1995 - 1997 d?et??ese st??e??? t?? eta???a? s?µß????? "Mc?insey and Company" st? ???d???, ?p?? d?ast????p??????e ?????? st??? t?µe?? t?? t??ep?????????? ?a? t?? t?ape????? ?p??es???. ?p?st??f??ta? st?? ????da, e???st??e ?? a??tat? st??e??? epe?d?se?? st?? Alpha Ventures, t? ???at???? eta???a "venture capital" t?? Alpha ?ank, µe a?t??e?µe?? t?? epe?d?se?? se ??????a a?apt?ss?µe?e? ep??e???se?? st?? ????da ?a? ta ?a?????a.
St? s????e?a, ? ???????? µeta???????e st?? ?µ??? t?? ??????? ??ap???? t?? ????da? ?p?? ?a? t?? p??t????e ?a a?a??ße? t?? a??pt??? t?? d?ast????t?ta? "venture capital" t?? ???pe?a?, st?? ????da ?a? t? ??t??a?at????? ????p?. ?p? t?? ?a??????? t?? 2000 ?? t?? ?p????? t?? 2003 ?ate??e t? ??s? t?? ??e??????t?? S?µß????? st?? "?????? ?p??e???µat???? S?µµet????".
?p? t?? d?????s? t?? ????????, ? "?????? ?p??e???µat???? S?µµet????" ?ata??????e ?? ??a? ap? t??? p?? d??aµ????? ???µat?d?te? ep??e???se?? st?? e??????? ?a? t?? ßa??a???? a???? t?? "venture capital". ? eta???a ep??d?se se p?????a d??aµ????, ??????a a?apt?ss?µe??? ep??e???se?? pa?????ta? epe?d?t??? ?ef??a?a ?a? d?µ???????ta? p????? ?a???????e? ??se?? e??as?a?. St????e ep?s?? p????? e???????? ep??e???µat???? p??t?ß????e? st? ??t??a?at????? ????p? pa?????ta?, e?t?? t?? ?efa?a???, ?a? s?µa?t??? te??????s?a. ? "?????? S?µµet????" ?p???e ? p??t? eta???a p?? d?µ??????se e?e?d??e?µ??? ?ef??a?? ep??e???µat???? s?µµet???? p?? epe?d?e? ap???e?st??? se e???????? eta???e? ?????? te???????a? ?a??? ?a? ? p??t? eta???a p?? e?e?e???se e?e??? t?? a???? t?? ??????a?, pa?????ta? ?ef??a?a ?a? te??????s?a se e???????? eta???e? µe epe?d?t??? s??d?a st?? ?e?t??a ???a.
?e t?? ?d??t?t? t??, ?? ??e??????t?? S?µß????? t?? "??????? ?p??e???µat???? S?µµet????", ? ???????? s?µµete??e sta d?????t??? s?µß????a p????? eta????? ?a? t? 2002 e?e????? e?p??s?p?? t?? ????da? st? "European Venture Capital Association". ??e? s?µµet?s?e? ?? e?s???t?? se e??????? ?a? d?e??? s???d??a e?? a??????afe? s?st?µat??? st?? t?p? ??a ??µata ??a? ep??e???µat???t?ta? ?a? a?ta????st???t?ta?. G?a t?? e???te?? epa??e?µat??? t?? d?ast????t?ta ??e? ??ße? p????? t?µ?t???? d?a???se??, µe s?µa?t???te?? t?? ß??ße?s? t?? ap? t? "??e???? ??????µ??? F????µ" t?? Davos, ?? e??? e? t?? 100 p?? p???? ?p?s??µe??? ??et?? t?? a???? ??a t? 2003 ("Global Leader for Tomorrow").
St?? e?????? t?? ?a?t??? t?? 2004, ?a??? ?a? st?? e?????? t?? Septeµß???? t?? 2007, e?e???? ß???e?t?? st? ?? ?????? s???e?t?????ta? ?a? t?? d?? f???? t?? µe?a??te?? a???µ? sta???? µeta?? t?? s???p???f??? t?? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a?. St? ????? t?? ??????? e??a? ???ed??? t?? ??d???? ????µ?? ?p?t??p?? ???stas?a? t?? ?e??ß?????t?? ?a? µ???? t?? ?p?t??p?? ??????µ???? ?p???se?? ?a? ???te????? ?a? ?µ??a?. ???a? ep?s?? ???ed??? t?? ?µ?da? F???a? µe t? ?????ß????? t?? F???a?d?a? ?a? µ???? t?? ?µ?d?? F???a? µe t?? ???a ?a? t? ?. ????a.
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