Ύποψήφιοι Βουλευτικών Εκλογών |

Ge??????e st?? ????a t? 1954 ?a? e??a? ???? t?? p???? p????p?????? ???sta?t???? ??ts?t??? ?a? t?? ?a???a? ??ts?t??? t? ????? G?a???????. ?? 1968, ?????? µ??e? µet? t? d??tat???a, ? ???????e?? t?? ?f??e e????st? st? ?a??s?.
?? 1974, aµ?s?? µet? t?? pt?s? t?? ????ta?, ep?st?e?e st?? ????da, ?a? t?? ?e??µß??? t?? ?d?a? ??????? pa?t?e?t??e µe t? ???st? d?µ?s?????f? ?a??? ?pa????????. Ap? t? ??µ? t?? ap??t?se d?? pa?d??, t?? ??e??a ?a? t?? ??sta.
St?? 26 Septeµß???? t?? 1989 ? s?????? t?? ?a???? ?pa?????????, ß???e?t?? t?? ?? st? µ???ed???? t?? ????ta??a?, d???f??????e ap? t?? t??µ???at??? ??????s? «17 ???µß??». ????a ?????a µet? pa?t?e?t??e µe t?? ?s?d??? ???ße??.
????????se t?? µa??s?a??? t?? sp??d?? st? Ge?µa???? S???? t?? ?a??s???. Sp??dase ????t???? ?p?st?µe? ?a? ?p????????a st? ?a?ep?st?µ?? t?? ???????. ?et? t?? ep?st??f? t?? st?? ????da, s?????se t?? a?ad?µa???? t?? sp??d?? st? ??µ??? S????, ?p?? ap?f??t?se ap? t? tµ?µa ??µ?s??? ???a??? t?? ??µ???? S????? ?a?ep?st?µ??? ??????. ?µ??e? t? ?e?µa????, ?a????? ?a? t?? a?????? ???ssa.
?? 1977 ?d?se e?et?se?? st? ?p????e?? S??t???sµ?? ?a? p??se??f?? ?? ?p??????? st? ??e????s? Teµ?t?? t?? ???. ?p? t? 1984 ?? t? 1989 ?ta? ?pe????? t?? ????t???? G?afe??? t?? a?????? t?? a???µat???? a?t?p???te?s?? ?a? ????d??? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a? ???sta?t???? ??ts?t???.
?et? t? d???f???a t?? s?????? t??, t?? ??t?ß??? t?? 1989, ?p?ßa?e ?p???f??t?ta, µe t? ??a ??µ???at?a, ??a t? µ???ed???? pe??f??e?a t?? ????ta??a?, ?p?? e??e e??e?e? ? ?a???? ?pa????????? st?? e?????? t?? ??????? t?? 1989.
St?? 5 ??eµß???? t?? 1989, e?e???? ??a p??t? f??? ß???e?t?? t?? ????????? ?????ß?????? ?e?d????ta? t? µ???ed???? pe??f??e?a t?? ????ta??a?, ?p?? epa?e?e???? ?a? st?? d?? ep?µe?e? e???????? a?aµet??se??, t?? 8?? ?p?????? t?? 1990 ?a? t?? 10?? ??t?ß???? t?? 1993.
??? ??t?ß??? t?? 1990, ????st??e st?? ??ß????s? ??ts?t??? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a? ?f?p?????? st?? ?????p????? ?a? t? ?e??µß??? t?? 1992, a???aße t? ?p????e?? ????t?sµ??. St?? e?????? t?? 1996, ???a?e e??????? pe??f??e?a ?a? ?p?ßa?e ?p???f??t?ta st?? p??t? e??????? pe??f??e?a t?? ????a?.
St?? 22 Septeµß???? t?? 1996, e?e???? p??t? ß???e?t?? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a? st?? e??????? pe??f??e?a t?? ?' ??????, ?p?? ?a? epa?e?e????, p??t? p???, st?? e?????? t?? 9?? ?p?????? t?? 2000. ?p? t?? Sept?µß??? t?? 1991 ?a? ?? t?? ?????st? 1992, ?ta? G?aµµat?a? ??e???? S??se?? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a? ?a? e??e t?? e????? t?? e?p??s?p?s?? t?? ??µµat?? t?? st?? ????pa??? ??µ???at??? ???s? (EDU) ?a? st?? ??e??? ??µ???at??? ???s? (IDU).
St?? 29 ?p?????? 1994, e?e???? ap? t? G? S???d??? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a? st?? ?e?t???? ?p?t??p? t?? ??µµat??. St? ?? S???d???, st?? 22 ?a?t??? t?? 1997, epa?e?e???? st?? ?e?t???? ?p?t??p?, ? ?p??a, st? s????e?a, t?? e???e?e ??a d?? ??te?e? st?? ??te?est??? ?p?t??p? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a?. ??? Sept?µß??? t?? 1997, ???st??e ap? t?? ???ed?? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a? ?. ?a?aµa??? ?pe????? t?? t?µ?a ???pt???? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a? ?a? ap? t?? ???? t?? 2000 ???st??e ?pe????? t?? t?µ?a ???te????? ?p???se?? ?a? ?µ??a? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a?.
St?? 29 ?a?t??? t?? 2002, ?at? t? d????e?a t?? s??ed??as?? t?? ?????ß???e?t???? ?µ?da? t?? ??, ap?d?????e t?? p??tas? t?? ???ed??? t?? ??µµat?? ?. ?a?aµa???, ?a e??a? ?p???f?a ??µa???? t?? ????a? st?? d?µ?t???? e?????? t?? ??t?ß???? t?? 2002.
St?? 20 ??t?ß???? t?? 2002 e?e???? ? p??t? ???a??a st?? ?st???a t?? p???? t?? ?????? ??µa???? ????a???, µe p?s?st? 60,6%, p?? e??a? t? µe?a??te?? p?? ??e? p??e? p?t? d?µa???? st? d?µ? t?? ????a?.
St?? 15 Feß???a???? 2006 a???aße ta ?a?????ta t?? ?p?????? ???te????? st?? ??ß????s? ?a?aµa???. ??? Sept?µß??? t?? 2006 ? ????da ?s??se t?? ???ed??a t?? S?µß?????? ?sfa?e?a? t?? ???µ???? ?????. St?? e?????? t?? 16?? Septeµß???? 2007, ?ta? ?p???f?a st?? ?' ??????, ?p?? ?a? e?e???? ??a ???? µ?a f??? p??t?. St? ??a ??ß????s? t?? ??a? ??µ???at?a? a???aße e? ???? ?p?????? ???te?????.
??? ?????? 2008 ? ?t??a ?pa???????? e?e???? st?? Ga????? ??ad?µ?a ?????p?st???? ?a? ????t???? ?p?st?µ?? ?? ????? eta????. ??? ?a??????? t?? 2009 ? ????da a???aße t?? p??ed??a t?? ???a??sµ?? ??a t?? ?sf??e?a ?a? t?? S??e??as?a st?? ????p? (??S?) ?a? t?? ?????? f????e?????e st?? ??????a µe ?d?a?te?? ep?t???a ? ?t?p? S???d?? t?? ?p?????? ???te????? t?? ??at??-µe??? t?? ??S?.
??? ???t?? t?? 1992 ap??eµ????e st?? ?t??a ?pa???????? ap? t? ??e???? ???t?? G??a???? t? ß?aße?? «International Leadership Award» ?a? t?? ?????? t?? 1993 t?? ap??eµ????e d?????s? ap? t? 14? ??e???? S?µp?s?? «Fontana di Roma», ?? e?????sa p??s?p???t?ta st? ???? t?? ????t?sµ??.
?? 2003 µet? ap? p??s???s? t?? t?te p???d??? t?? ????pa???? ?p?t??p?? ??µ??? ????t? s?µµete??e µa?? µe ???e? 12 ep?fa?e?? p??s?p???t?te? t?? ????p?? st?? St??????? ???pe?a p?? ?p?ßa?e p??t?se?? ??a t?? ????????? ?a?a?t??a, t?? p???t?sµ??? ta?t?t?ta a??? ?a? t? ??????µ??? s??d?? t?? ??a? ????p??.
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