Παρασκευή, 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2025


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ΚΑΤΣΕΛΗ ΛΟΥΚΙΑ - ΤΑΡΣΙΤΑ (ΛΟΥΚΑ) Καθηγήτρια Οικονομικών στο Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών
??S?? ??S??         http://www.loukakatseli.gr/
? ????a ?. ?ats??? ?e??????e st?? ????a st?? 20 ?p?????? 1952. Se ?????a 20 et?? (1972) ap??t?se µe d?????s? t?? p??t? pa?ep?st?µ?a?? t?? t?t?? st?? ??????µ???? ?p?st?µe? ap? t? Smith College. ????????sa? d?? ?etapt???a?? ??p??µata ??d??e?s?? st?? ??????µ??? ????t??? (Princeton, ???, 1974) ?a? st? ??e??? ??????µ??? (Princeton, ??, 1976) ?a? ? ap??t?s? d?da?t?????? d?p??µat?? st?? ??????µ??? ?p?st?µ? (Princeton, 1978). O? ?p?????? a????? ?a? st? s????e?a ??ap????t??a ?a????t??a st? Yale University (1977-1985), ??aße, t? 1980, t?µ?t??? d?????s? ?? ? ?a??te?? ??a d?d?s???sa, ?a??? ?a? ?p?t??f?a ap? t? German Marshall Fund (1982-1984). ??da?e ep?s??, ?? ep?s??pt??a ?a????t??a st? ?a?ep?st?µ?? Birkbeck t?? ???d???? (1986) ?a? st? ??????µ??? ?a?ep?st?µ?? ?????? (1986-1987). ?p? t? 1987 e??a? ?a????t??a t?? ?µ?µat?? ??????µ???? ?p?st?µ?? t?? ??????? ?a? ?ap?d?st??a??? ?a?ep?st?µ??? ??????, st? ?p??? d?et??ese ?a? ???ed??? t?? pe???d? 1997 – 2001. ??e? d?µ?s?e?se? pe??ss?te?a ap? 40 ????a se d?e??? ep?st?µ????? pe???d??? ?a? ß?ß??a sta ???st??? a?t??e?µe?a t?? d?e????? ?a? µa?????????µ???? p???t????, ?d?a?te?a de se ??µata a?apt???a??? s??e??as?a? ?a? µeta?aste?t???? p???t????. ????? t?? ??S?? ap? t? 1976, d?et??ese ?p?st?µ????? ??e????t??a t?? ???? (1982-1986), µ???? t?? S?µß?????? ??????µ???? ?µpe??????µ???? (1982 – 1984) ?a? ??d??? ??????µ??? S?µß????? t?? ?????p?????? ??d??a ?apa?d???? t?? pe???d? 1993-1996. ?p?p???? ??e? d?ate??se? µ???? p????? ?????t?? d?e???? ?a? e???pa???? ?p?t??p??, ?p?? ? ?p?t??p? ??????µ???? ?a? ??µ?sµat???? ????t???? t?? ????pa???? ???s??, ? «?p?t??p? S?f??» ??a t?? ??a?e???s? t?? ?????????? ???ta? t?? ????p?? ?a? ? ?p?t??p? ??apt???a??? ????t???? (CDP) t?? ???. ?? 2003 ep???????e, µeta?? 100 d?a?e???µ???? ??????µ?????? ap? ??? t?? ??sµ?, ??a t? ??s? t?? ep??efa??? t?? ???t??? ???pt???? t?? ???a??sµ?? ??????µ???? S??e??as?a? ?a? ???pt???? (??S?), ?p?? pa??µe??e µ???? t?? ?????? t?? 2007. ????????e ????e?t?? ?p???ate?a? µe t? ??S?? st?? e?????? t?? 16?? Septeµß???? 2007. ???a? p???t??? e?p??s?p?? t?? ????µat?? se ??µata ??????µ?a? ?a? µ???? t?? ????t???? S?µß??????. ???a? pa?t?eµ??? µe t?? Ge??s?µ? ??s??? ?a? µ?t??a d?? pa?d???, t?? ??µ?t?? ?a? t?? ?µa??a?. S?µµet??? se ??e??e?? ???a??sµ??? ?a? F??e?? ???ed???, ?µ?µa ??????µ???? ?p?st?µ??, ?a?ep?st?µ?? ??????, (1997-2001). ?????, ?????? G??µ?d?t??? S?µß????? ??e??a? ?a? ?e???????a?, 1997-2000. ?????, S??t???st??? ?µ?da ??a t?? ??aµ??f?s? t?? ??pa?de?t???? ?????aµµ?t?? ??????? ?pa??e?µat???? ?at??t?s??, ????, 1998-2000. ????? ?a? ??t?p??ed???, ???, ?p?t??p? ??apt???a??? S?ed?asµ??, 1998-1999. ????? ?a? ??s???t??a, ???, ?p?t??p? ??apt???a??? S?ed?asµ??, 1996-1997. ?????, "Comite des Stages", ????pa??? ?p?t??p?, DG V, 1995-1997. ?????, Board, International Journal of Finance and Economics, 1995 - 1997 ?????, S?µß????? ??????µ???? ?µpe??????µ????, ?p????e?? ??????? ??????µ?a?, ????a, ????da, ??t?ß???? 1993 - Sept?µß???? 1996. ?????, Center for European Policies Studies, The CEPS Economic Policy Group, 1990 - 1992. Research Affiliate, National Bureau of Economic Research (International; Studies Program) , 1990- 1992 ????? t?? ??????t???? S?µß??????, ???????? ??st?t??t? ??a ??e???? ?a? St?at?????? Sp??d??, 1990 -1992. ?????, European Commission’s Advisory Panel on “ Science, Technology Community Cohesion in a Wider Continental Europe», CEC, Monitor/Fast/Program Theme B, 1991 -1992. ?????, ?d Hoc S?µß???e?t??? ?µ?da ??a ?p?st????? t?? ??????µ???? ?p?st?µ?? st?? ????p?, ??t?ß???? 1987. ?????, Economic Policy Panel, ?a?. 1, 1985 - ?a?. 1, 1987. ?????, European Community’s (EC) Monetary Committee, 1983 - 1985. ????? S?µß????? ?????aµµat?sµ?? ?a? ???pt????, ????da, 1984 - 1985. ?????, Economic Policy Committee, 1982 -1984. ?????, EC Group of Experts on Medium – Term Macroeconomic Projections, 1982 - 1984 ?????, S?µß????? ??????µ???? ?µpe??????µ????, ?p????e?? ??????? ??????µ?a?, ????a, ????da 1982 - 1984. Technical Coordinator of the Greek Delegation, UNCTAD, ?e?????d?, June 1983. ?p?s?µ? ??p??s?p?? se ??µe?e?? ?a? ????µe?e?? ??ap?a?µate?se??, ????da, 1982 - 1984. ?p?s??pt??a, ??st?t??t? ??e???? ??????µ???? Sp??d??, ?a?ep?st?µ?? t?? St?????µ??, ?????st?? 1978. ?p?s??pt??a, ????t??? ???pe?a t?? ????da?, ????a, Sept?µß???? 1979, ?????st?? 1980. Intern, United Nations, New York City, ?a???a??? 1973. ?????Western European Council, ?a?ep?st?µ?? t?? ?ale. Fellow, Saybrook College, ?a?ep?st?µ?? t?? ?ale, 1979 - 1985. S?µß???e?t??? ?µpe???a. S?µß????? se ??e????se?? t?? ????pa???? ?p?t??p??, (DGII, DGV, DGXVI,DGXVII). ??e??????sa S?µß?????, ORCO Analytica, ?.?. ????a, ????da, 1988 - 1992. S?µß????? st? ???t?? ????e?????? ?p??e???se?? t?? ???µ???? ?????, ???µ??a ????, ?????? 1991, S????af?a? d?? e???se??: «Foreign Direct Investment&Trade Interlinkages in the 1990s: Experience and Prospects of Developing Countries», ?a? «Globalization and Development in the 1990s» UNCTAD, ?ada?as????, ??????? / Sept?µß???? 1981; S????af?a? t?? ???es?? (70 se?.) ??a «Balance of Payments Adjustment and Exchange Rate Policy for the Central Bank of Madagascary” ?d??µa Ford, ??t??-??at????? ?s?a, ?a???????? 1980; S?µß?????, ?e?t???? ???pe?a t?? ??d?a?, ?a??a?d?? ?a? 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