Δευτέρα, 14 Οκτωβρίου 2024


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Ge??????e st? Saint Paul, Minnesota t?? ?.?.?., st?? 16.6.1952. ???aµ?? µe t?? ??ta ?apap????. ??e? µ?a ???? ?a? ??a ???. ?p???e?µa: ?????????????. Sp??d??: S???? ????????????a? ?a?ep?st?µ??? Amherst t?? ?asa???s?t?? ?.?.?., ?a?ep?st?µ?? t?? St?????µ?? ??a ??µata µeta?ast??, µetapt???a??? sp??d?? st?? ????????????a t?? ???pt???? st? London School of Economics ?a? se ??µata ??e???? S??se?? st? ?a?ep?st?µ?? t?? ???ßa??t. ???e? ???sse?: ???????, S???d???. ??ast????t?te?: St?? ??ß????s?: ?p?????? ???te????? (Feß???????? 1999 - Feß???????? 2004) ??ap????t?? ?p?????? ???te????? (Sept?µß???? 1996 - Feß???????? 1999) ??µ?d??? ??a t?? d?e?d???s? t?? ???µp?a??? ?????? t?? 2004 st?? ????da (1996-1997) ?p?????? ??????? ?a?de?a? ?a? T??s?e?µ?t?? (??????? 1994 - Sept?µß???? 1996) ?f?p?????? ???te????? (??t. 1993 - ????. 1994) ??µe?? e??????: (a) ??????aµe???a????? s??se??, (ß) ?p?d?µ?? ??????sµ?? ?p?????? ??????? ?a?de?a? ?a? T??s?e?µ?t?? (1988 - 1989) ??µ?d??? ??a t?? d?e?d???s? t?? ???µp?a??? ?????? t?? 1996 st?? ????da (1988 - 1989) ?f?p?????? ????t?sµ?? (??????? 1985 - Feß???????? 1987) ??µ?d??t?te?: (a) ?p?d?µ?? ??????sµ??, (ß) ?a???? ?p?µ??f?s?? ??a? Ge???? St? ?????ß?????: ????? t?? ????????? ?????ß?????? ????e?t?? ?' Tessa??????? (???t??? 2004 ??? s?µe?a) ????? t?? ????????? ?????ß?????? ????e?t?? ?' ????a? (Sept?µß???? 1996 - 2004) ????? t?? ????????? ?????ß?????? ????e?t?? ??a?a? (1981 - Sept?µß???? 1996) ???ed??? ?????ß???e?t???? ?p?t??p?? ??a t?? ?a?de?a (1982 - 1985) ??t?p??ed??? t?? ??a??µµat???? ?p?t??p?? ??a t?? ??e??e?? ?ad??f???a ??e???? ?? ?pe?????? ap? t?? ?????ß???e?t??? ?µ?da t?? ??S?? ??a t? ??a??? ?p?t??p? ???f?t???? ?p???se?? t?? ?????? St? ??µµa: ???ed??? t?? ??S?? (8 Feß???a???? 2004 - ??? s?µe?a) ????? t?? ?e?t????? ?p?t??p?? t?? ??S?? ap? t? 1984 ????? t?? ???µe???? G?aµµate?a? t?? ??te?est???? G?afe??? t?? ??S?? (1987-88) ????? t?? ??te?est???? G?aµµate?a? t?? ??S?? (e?e???? G?aµµat?a? ??a t?? ?p?d?µ? ??????sµ? t? 1990) S?µµete??e st?? a??????e? p???t???? ep?t??p?? t?? ??S??: ????t???? S??eta???sµ?? (G?aµµat?a?) ?p?t??p? ???a??t???? (??. G?aµµat?a?) ??e??e?? S??se?? (?????) ?p?t??p? ??af?t?s?? (G?aµµat?a?) ????? t?? ?e?t????? ?p?t??p??, t?? ??te?est???? G?afe??? ?a? t?? ????t???? G?aµµate?a? t?? ??S?? (1996) ???e? ??ast????t?te?: ???ed??? t?? S?s?a??st???? ??e????? ??t?p??ed??? t?? S?s?a??st???? ??e????? ??t?p??ed??? t?? ??e????? ???t??? ???µp?a??? ??e?e???a? ????? t?? ?.S. t?? ?d??µat?? ?es??e?a??? ?e?et?? ??t?p??ed??? t?? ???t??? ?e?et?? ?a? ??t?µ??f?s?? ?d??t??? ????? t?? Helsinki Citizens Assembly ?d??t??? ????? t?? ???t?ß????a? ??a t?? S??e??as?a sta ?a?????a S??t???st?? t?? ?p?t??p?? ??a t?? a?????? ap? t? ???a µa? t?? ???µp??da? t?? 2004 ??a???se??: ?e???, ??µa - ?a?as?µ?f???s? ap? t?? ???? ?e??? ?. Allan Wagner Tizon, µe t?? ?e?a??sta??? " ????? t?? ?e??? ", 31 ??t?ß???? 2003 ???, ???s???t?? - ??aße??: ?pe?asp?st?? t?? ??µ???at?a?- t?? Parliamentarians for Global Action ?????ß???e?t???? ??a ?a???sµ?a ???s? , 17 Septeµß????, 2003 ?ta??a-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? ???a? (2003) ????a??a-???te??? ?a??????? t?? ???µat?? t?? ???a? (2003) ???ße?s? t?? ?p?????? ???te????? ?. G?????? ?. ?apa?d???? µe t? a????p?st??? ß?aße?? "Jackie Robinson" ap? United States Sport Academy (U.S.S.A.) (26 ??????? 2002) ?at??a??-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? ???? ?? ap? t?? ???sß? t?? ???a? ?d?a? Mgr Paul Tabet, ??p??s?p? t?? ??pa ?????? ?a???? ?' (????a, 11 ??eµß???? 2002) ???t??a??a-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? Infante dom Henrique (2002) ??????-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? St?µµat?? (2001) ?spa??a-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? ?saß???a? t?? ?a??????? (2001) Eastwest Institute 2000 Awards - Peace Building Awards . ??aße?? "S?µa???? a??? t?? ?t??? 2000". St?? ?p????? ???te????? G????? ?. ?apa?d???? ?a? st?? ?p????? ???te????? t?? ??????a? Ismail Cem, ??a t?? e?a??et???? ?p??es?e? p?? p??s?fe?a? st?? ße?t??s? t?? d?µe??? s??se?? (2 ?a??? 2000) Ge?µa??a-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? ???a?, p??t?? t??e?? (2000) ??a???e?s? se ???a Sta???f??? t?? ???µat?? t?? ????d???? Sta???f???? t?? ?a?a???? ??f?? ?a? ?p???µ? t?? ?e?a??sta???? ap? t?? ?at?????? t?? ???a? ???e?? ?e???sa??µ ?a? p?s?? ?a?a?st???? ???d??? ?' (30 Sept. 1999) S???d?a-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? ??????? ?st???? (1999) ??st??a-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? ??µ??, p??t?? t??e?? (1999) ?s????a-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? ?e???? ?st???? (1999) ??aße?? t?? ?d??µat?? ?p?ts? ??a t?? "???a???? t?? ??µ?s????af?a?, t??? p???p?e????? a???e? t?? ??a ?a ???e? ?esµ?? t?? ??µ???at???? µa? p???te?µat?? ? ??e??e?? ?ad??f???a" (1988) ?spa??a-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? ????t???? ???a? (1998) ??d??? ??aße?? ??????? ?a? F???a? ?µp?t? ?pe?ts? (??????? 1997) "??a t? d?ast????t?t? t?? ?p?? t?? ??????-????????? ???s????s?? ?at? t?? pe???d? 1995 - 1996, ?? ?p?????? ?a?de?a?" ??aße?? ap? t?? ??????s? " SOS ?ats?sµ?? " ??a t?? p??sf??? t?? st?? a???a e???t?a st? ?ats?sµ?? ?a? t?? ?e??f?ß?a (1996) ??????a-???te??? ?a??????? t?? ???µat?? t?? ????????? ??µ???at?a? (1996) F???a?d?a-? ?e?a??sta???? t?? ???µat?? t?? ????t?? (1996) ????a??a-?a??????? t?? ???µat?? t?? 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